- دسته : مطالب اموزشی زبان,,
- تاریخ ارسال :
- بازدید : 1520

وقتی که ناگهان در موقعیتی قرار می گیریم و میخواهیم بگیم: واقعا نمیدونم چی باید بگم میگیم
I'm speechless
مثل این هست که که مغز ایست کرده
نمیدونم چی باید بگم( هم در موقع ناراحتی زبونمون قفل میشه و هم سورپرایز خوشحالی)
مثال 1 ناراحتی یا از شوک زبان بند آمدن:
A: My father passed away today (cries)
پدرم امروز فوت کرد.
B: I'm speechless, sorry
نمیدونم باید چی بگم. متاسفم
مثال 2 که از خوشحالی سورپرایزشده و زبانش بند اومده
مثل دادن یک کادوی فوقالعاده "
I'm... I'm speechless. Thank you so, so much!
- دسته : دیگر مطالب,,
- تاریخ ارسال :
- بازدید : 1471

Dont look my headscarf is on its my yoke
نگاه نکن روسری رو سرمه این جبره
I dont believe the solution is waiting
من معتقد نیستم که راه حلش صبره
is means my right is to live
این یعنی حقم زندگی
I am a person
من ی ادمم
tell me I want to knowhow am I any less than you?
بگو میخوام بدونم بگو چی از تو کمتردارم
Give me two minutes to say what I have to say as a woman
بزار تو دو دقیقه مثل یه زن بگم حرفمو
People are people you have to understand my pain
ادم ادمه تو باید بفهمی دردمو
You are right in everything you say the law is on your side
تو حق داری هرچی میگی قانون طرفته
law says hithitting is the only thing you say
قانون میگه بزن زدن فقط حرفته
this head is for breaking yeah it hurts hit it
این سر واسه شکستن اره درد میکنه
I speak too look whos in the agony of death
بزن من حرف میزنم ببین کی جون میکنه
- دسته : دیگر مطالب,,
- تاریخ ارسال :
- بازدید : 1415

I have to say happy international women day to all ladies in round the world
Especially my friends who has become already part of my life
I wish the blessing and happiness for them
- دسته : دیگر مطالب,,
- تاریخ ارسال :
- بازدید : 2367

What is Optimism?
Optimism is the overall view that the world is a great place and that things will turn out ok. The optimist believes (for example) that events will turn out for the best, or that people are trustworthy. Most people are generally optimistic about things that have turned out well for them in the past, or about things that have good associations for them. People can also be optimistic about their internal lives and still pessimistic about external world events.
What is Pessimism?
Pessimism is essentially the direct opposite of optimism in that it is the belief that the world is a bad place and that things will turn out for the worst. You may be pessimistic for example about the prospects of getting a new job, or about your partner forgiving you for an indiscretion.
Better to be Optimistic or Pessimistic?
There are often links between our psychology and physiology. Research into the relationship between optimism and our overall well being has shown maintaining a positive outlook is not only better for our minds but also affects our bodies. Sadly the pessimist probably expected this, and so it's a case of thinking it, makes it so. A self fulfilling prophecy of sorts.
source :learnmyself
- دسته : مطالب اموزشی زبان,,
- تاریخ ارسال :
- بازدید : 1193

Expressing certainty and uncertainty
Certainty and uncertainty
Certainty is the state of being completely confident or having no doubt about something. However, uncertainty is when nothing is ever decided or sure.
Expressing certainty
When you are sure that something will or will not happen in the future, use these expressions.
For example to the question:
"Will John pass the exam?"
you may respond as follows:
Yes, I'm absolutely sure
quite sure
positivehe will. definitely.
of course.or
No, I'm absolutely sure
quite sure
positivehe won't. definitely not.
certainly not.
of course not.
Expressing uncertainty
When you are not sure whether something or someone will or will not happen, use the following expressions.
For example, to the question:
"Will John follow a career in business?"
you may respond as follows:
Well, it's possible,
it's impossible,
it might be,
it might not be,
it could happen,I suppose, but I wouldn't like to say for certain.
I'm not sure
I doubt it.
I have my own doubts.
it's doubtful.
It's highly / very unlikely.you never know of course,
no one can know for certain.
I can't tell you for sure.
- دسته : مطالب اموزشی زبان,,
- تاریخ ارسال :
- بازدید : 2164

جملات معلوم و مجهول (active and passive sentences)
.where the person or thing doing the action is the subject of a sentences or verb
زمانی ما از فعل معلوم استفاده می کنیم، که درباره این که فاعل چه کاری انجام داده است صحبت شود.
.My grandfather was a builder. He built this house in 1935
the form of the verb that shows that the action is done by a person or thing to another person or thing
زمانی که ما از فعل مجهول استفاده میکنیم، ما درباره اینکه چه اتفاقی افتاده است صحبت میکنیم و فاعل یا انجام دهنده کار مشخص نیست.
.This house is quite old. It was built in 1935
تبدیل جملات معلوم به مجهول (Transform active verb to passive verb)
برای تبدیل کردن جملات معلوم به مجهول, مفعول به جای فاعل می آید و نقش نایب فاعل را می گیرد.
Active sentences: subject + verb + object + adverb
Passive sentences: deputy of subject + Derivatives of to be + p.p. + adverb
Present simple
. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + (am/is/are) + p.p
.Active: she sees me every day
.Passive: I am seen every day
Past simple
. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + (was/were) + p.p
.Active: Sonia wrote a letter yesterday
.Passive: A letter was written yesterday
Future simple
. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + will be + p.p
.Active: I will clean the window tomorrow
.Passive: The window will be cleaned tomorrow
Present continuous
. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + (am/is/are) being + p.p
.Active: They are painting the wall
.Passive: The wall is being painted
Past continuous
. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + (was/were) being + p.p
.Active: she was washing the kitchen
.Passive: The kitchen was being washed
Present perfect
. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + (have/has) been + p.p
.Active: He has broken the glass
.Passive: The glass has been broken
Past perfect
. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + had been + p.p
.Active: We had bought some books for school
.Passive: Some books had been bought for the school
Future perfect
. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + will have ben + p.p
.Active: He will have bought a new car by 2012
.Passive: A new car will have been bought by 2012
نکته 1:
بعضی از افعال میتوانند دو مفعول داشته باشند، بنابراین میتوانیم از این افعال دو جمله مجهول درست کنیم.
.Some verb can have two objects. So it possible to make two passive sentences
.The verbs which can have two objects
(ask – offer – pay – show – teach – tell – give)
Active: Somebody gave the police the information = Somebody gave the information to the police
Passive: 1.The police were given the information.
.Passive: 2. The information was given to the police
.When we use these verbs in the passive, most often we begin with the person
وقتی این افعال را در جملات مجهول بکار میبریم, اغلب, جمله را با شخص شروع میکنیم
نکته 2:
میتوانیم در جملات مجهول به جای be از فعل get استفاده کنیم.
We can use get instead of be in the passive
(There was a fight at the party, but nobody got hurt. = (nobody was hurt
(I don’t often get invited to parties. = (I’m not often invited
(I’m surprised Liz didn’t get offered the job. = (Liz wasn’t offered the job
نکته 3:
ما از کلمه get فقط میتوانیم در جمله هایی که اتفاقی را توضیح میدهند استفاده کنیم.
.We can use get only when things happen
:For example we can use get in the following sentences
(Jill is liked by everybody. (not gets liked – this is not a happening
(He was a mystery man. Very little was known about him. (not got known
- دسته : دیگر مطالب,,
- تاریخ ارسال :
- بازدید : 1460

فیلم محمد رسول الله (نام انگلیسی : The Message)ساخته مصطفی عقاد محصول مشترک لبنان و لیبی و کویت و مراکش و بریتانیا در سال 1977 می باشد.متاسفانه پس از انقلاب این فیلم همیشه با سانسور پخش شده است و در سایت های ایرانی همواره با دوبله برای دانلود گذاشته شده است که در اینجا این فیلم با زبان انگلیسی و زیرنویس پارسی در اختیار شما می باشد.
توضیح : برای چسباندن پارت ها از نرم افزار HJSplit استفاده کنید.این نرم افزار و آموزش آن را میتوانید از اینجا دریافت کنید.(پسوورد فایل : www.wikidownload.tk)
لینک دانلود:
source ;wikidownload